Pinaki Poddar will be presenting a session on Scale Java Persistence API Applications with OpenJPA Slice (S314445) in the Java EE Web Profile and Platform Technologies track on Wednesday September 22nd at 4:45PM PDT. The JavaOne blog featured the entire list of Open Source sessions. Pinaki is an OpenJPA committer and also blogs on the WebSphere Persistence blog.
Next up, Alasdair Nottingham is speaking about Creating Modular Applications with Apache Aries and OSGi (S313866). The talk will cover the Apache Aries project (designed to bring modularity of OSGi together with the Java EE platform) and will feature a look at creation of new applications using Apache Aries and the OSGi Blueprint container. Alasdair is @notatibm on Twitter and blogs with other IBMers on the WebSphere Community Blog. Catch up with Alasdair on Thursday the 23rd at 3:30pm.
On the SCA side, Jean-Sebastien Delfino of IBM and Luciano Resende of Shutterfly are giving a talk about Developing Composite Applications for the Cloud with Apache Tuscany (S314011). Luciano blogged about this session already.
Finally, BJ Hargrave will be hosting a Birds of Feather roundtable on OSGi with aQute CEO Peter Kriens (S313877). BJ is an IBM Senior Techical Staff Member, CTO of the OSGi Alliance and a committer on the Eclipse Equinox project, an open source OSGi implementation. Find this BoF at 6pm on Tuesday the 21st, look for @bjhargrave and @pkriens.
Oh wait - there is more! Last one, I promise. How can we leave out Cloud?! Doug Tidwell has a talk about cloud: Keeping Your Options Open, Even If the Cloud Is Not. Find @Doug_Tidwell Wednesday at 4:45. has a couple of handy webpages showing all of the IBMers at the somewhat co-located JavaOne / Oracle OpenWorld conferences. My emerging technology evangelism team manager Sunil Murthy @SunilBayarea will also be in attendance during the week. Seek out these smart folks and follow the conference backchannel via twitter with hashtags #javaone10 and #oow10. The IBM Booth is #1111. Apparently IBM is giving away "Sweet Tweet Cupcakes" - get your sweet fix. IBM also has a mobile web app for your use at OOW. Last but not least, there is also an ILOG booth #5104. They'll be talking about Visualization with Java.